If you are just starting CrossFit, then a jump rope is essential. A jump rope is very useful fitness equipment that is used by the athletes and boxers to improve stamina and endurance. If you exercise with the jump rope regularly, your performance in the competition will be better. You will get different types of jump ropes in the market. Some ropes are made of vinyl, whereas, others are made of nylon. Some ropes are covered with PVC or other materials for extra protection.

The modern skipping ropes have a special mechanism that allows faster and tangle-free rotation. The manufacturers come up with jump ropes specifically designed for a particular function. So, you need to do some research and find out the best jump rope that will be effective for you. Here, we are going to review the Fitness Factor Adjustable Jump Rope and find out about its special features.


It is a stylish black rope with black and red handles. This jump rope is particularly designed for those who want to do CrossFit training, MMA or boxing. However, the rope can be used by users of all skill levels. The rope is lightweight and the handles are covered with very soft foam to make them comfortable. They will reduce the strain on hands as they are ergonomically designed. So, you will be able to achieve your fitness goal faster as you can jump without experiencing any discomfort. This rope is waterproof and so ideal for indoor and outdoor use.

The length of the rope is suitable for users of height 6’6’’. It can be used by men, women, and kids. You can easily adjust the rope according to your requirement. It has a ball bearing system that allows good speed. The rope is also tangle-free, so there is no risk of any injury. It is also snap and crack resistant and will last a long time.

Build Quality

The build quality of this rope is excellent. It is made of strong and durable reinforced metal cable that will not tangle while exercising. It is covered with a heavy layer of plastic polymer which can prevent cuts and prevent wear and tear of the rope as well. The jump rope is long enough to perform CrossFit, cardio, and other exercises. You can easily adjust the length of the rope without affecting its integrity.

With use, the rope won’t develop any kinks or knots. Unlike the other skipping ropes, the cable doesn’t stick out from the top. Here, the handle is perpendicular to the cable that allows the handles to glide smoothly. It also reduces friction and allows smoother movement.

You will get 100% satisfaction with this rope and also get a lifetime warranty. With this rope, you will be able to get into shape fast and it is a great jump rope for cardio training as well. The handles are strong and easy to hold.


This rope is perfect for people with a height between 4’9’’ to 6’6’’. It can be used by men, women, and kids. The rope has the perfect length for CrossFit training and double unders. You can use the rope easily for casual skipping or intense training.


The handles of this skipping rope are ergonomically designed and so will reduce the strain on your hands. The handles are covered with super soft foam to provide extra comfort. It has a ball bearing system that allows fast movement.


This skipping rope works on various parts of the body. It will work on your leg muscles, abdomen, and back muscles as well. So, you can say that you will get a total body workout by exercising with this rope. When you jump, your heart rate increases and so exercising with this rope is good for your heart as well.

This rope provides great speed due to the ball bearing system in the handles. So, as you jump more per minute, you burn out more calories. This rope is also ideal for double unders. With this rope, you can get the speed to perform double unders and you will be able to control the rope well as there won’t be much friction. If you do double unders with this rope, you will be able to improve your strength, endurance balance, and cognitive function as well.


You can get this jump rope for $12.97 to $14.99. It is one of the highest qualities and affordable ropes you will find in the market today. You get a free carrying bag, screw kit, and an instruction manual containing exercise tips. The rope is adjustable and durable, so you won’t have to think of replacing it soon. You get a lifetime warranty for this rope.


  • It has a lightweight design that makes it comfortable to jump and keep balance.
  • The handles are covered with soft foam which makes them comfortable.
  • As the handles are long and ergonomically designed, the strain on your hands will be reduced and you will be able to work out for longer and burn more calories.
  • The rope is very affordable.
  • It won’t tangle while exercising.
  • The ball bearing handles allow fast and smoother rotations making it ideal for CrossFit and double unders.
  • It is waterproof, so you will be able to workout outdoors as well.
  • It is long enough to suit people of all sizes and is easily adjustable.
  • It is ideal for beginners and professionals alike.
  • You get a free carrying pouch with this rope which allows for easy portability.
  • You get a lifetime warranty and so you won’t regret after buying this rope.


  • If the rope is kept bent for too long, then it will kink.
  • You may have to cut the rope to get the desired length.
  • The handles can get slippery.

Final Verdict

Skipping rope is a good tool to improve your cardio. You can get power training in the arms and leg, at the same time it can improve your lung capacity as well. This skipping rope is an excellent choice for people of all skill levels. The rope is affordable, durable, and comfortable. The rope is adjustable and so people of different height can use it. It is built with a strong and high-quality metal cable that is durable and will be able to withstand intense workout routine. The rope is covered with a plastic polymer to protect it from damage.

The handles are long and comfortable. You won’t feel much strain on the hands even after swinging the rope for a long time. The ball bearing system provides fast movement which makes the rope ideal for double unders and CrossFit training. If you exercise with this rope regularly, you will be able to improve your stamina and endurance. You will be able to burn a lot of calories and build your muscles as well. So, for a total body workout, there cannot be a better skipping rope than this one. If you are looking for a high quality skipping rope at an affordable price, then you should buy this rope.

Buy Fitness Factor Adjustable Jump Rope
